So, I have to tell you, tonight was a blast!! My sons play on a coed softball team, and they were one "girl" short.....they asked their poor old Mom to fill in, so they wouldn't have to forfeit! Well, I had a ton of fun!! I played catcher!! Fortunately you only stand behind the plate, you don't have to squat down the whole time!! I made 2 hits, brought in a run, and even scored a run. They actually won the game. All of the kids were cheering for me, and chanting "Mom, Mom, Mom"!! I recommend every Mom stepping out of the box and trying something like this. After the game, my boys were hugging me, and they told me that they were proud of me!! Proud of Me?? It felt so amazing!! I am always proud of them, and love being their Mom, but they were Proud of Me!! Truly one of my best Friday Nights Ever!!
xxoo -