I was at an estate sale on Saturday. Everything was pretty picked over....I managed to find a few things that I couldn't live without. I was talking to the girls, and said my dream would be to walk into a sale, and find a room full of vintage wallpaper. A few minutes later a man walked up to me, and said he overheard me say that I love old wallpaper, he said that he had 5 or 6 rolls that he got at a sale a few years back, and that he would like them to go to a good home. haha

I went by his house on Sunday, and about died when I saw the fabulous paper.

This pink is the softest shade, and the flowers are so sweet. Love it. There was a whole roll of this.

This one is really brittle, but still will work....love the red flowers. Again, another full roll.

There was only about 4 yards left of this striped one, but it's pink, and I love it also.

Soft beige with lattice and flowers, swoon. Yes, a brand new never opened roll.

This one almost looks flocked, but it is just a soft beige tone on tone. The roll had never been opened.

This one is sagey green.....it's hard to see in the pictures. It is lovely!!
He said he was afraid it would end up in a landfill somewhere, and sold it to me for gasp....$30.
I can't wait to start crafting with it.
Have a lovely day.
xxoo Valarie