The story of the missing diamond
So, this is the story of the missing diamond. 2 years ago my husband bought me diamond studs for our Anniversary. He splurged, and bought me 3 carats of amazing bling. Well, Wednesday night I took off my jewelry before bed, and put it on my nightstand. The next morning, we were having our house cleaned, so I grabbed my jewelry, and threw it in a ring box and stuck it in the closet. I got home later that day, and noticed that one of my earring backs was on the dresser, I just figured that I forgot to put it in the box. Friday night I went to put the earrings on, and realized that there was only one earring. I searched the house, the floor, under the bed, in the nightstand, my dresser drawers, my get the idea. Well, no earring anywhere. I called the cleaning service to see if they had found anything, but of coarse they were closed for the weekend, so I left a message, and just stressed ALL weekend. This morning they called and left a message that they had gone through the vacuum bag on Saturday, and found nothing, and that they were very sorry. AAAGH!!! I called them back, and begged them to let me go through the bag with a sifter, so they said come on down. On my way there, they called to let me know that they had found the setting for the diamond, but there was no diamond in the bag. Double AAAGH!!! I got to the cleaning center, and the receptionist told me that she had (bless her heart) sifted through the disgusting cleaner bag one more time, and in fact had just found my diamond. There it was.....a beautiful 1.5 carat beautiful shiny diamond, no worse f0r the wear, just sitting on her desk. I must say it was a huge relief. (I have no insurance on my jewelry, although my husband has been nagging me to do it for years), I may just buy a lotto ticket tomorrow, along with a nice gift certificate for the sweet receptionist. I hope you all have a wonderful day. xxoo Valarie
So glad you found it! I have actually lost one of mine and never to be seen again, so happy for you! Vacuum bag sifting is so nasty what an awesome cleaning service! GO get that lottery ticket!
Thank GOODNESS your diamond was found! WHEW! I know your heart sank when you noticed it was missing. Got insurance yet? ;) BTW...stop by my blog...I gave ya a shout out. ;) XO,Jenn
lady, you got yourself some good Karma going there!
Thanks goodness you found your diamond! It reminded me of when the diamond on my engagement was gone from my ring! Days later- as I was crying on the counch over it- I found it right there by my leg! It must have snagged on the couch fabric and ripped off! After that I always make it a point to get my ring maintained. Have a great weekend!
Sandy xox
oh, my!!! what a relief!!! i lost one of the diamonds from my wedding/engagement ring in my patient's bed one was not found...i never ever wore my ring to work again...
Hi Valarie,
Wow! So glad you or the lady found your diamond. That is an awful feeling.
Yes you go buy that lotto ticket.
Have a great weekend,
whew!! girl you are a lucky duck.
im so glad she found it.
i lost one of mine in cost maya. a few years ago. hubby just bought me a new pair for christmas. i love them. but i still miss the old ones. so many memories! im so happy for you.
get insurance doll
I would have lost my mind. OMG!! And believe me, I would have done the same thing. But, you really should get insurance. It's not expensive and they will immediately replace your diamond with one of the exact same quality and size.
Whew!!! Thank goodness you found it.
xo Cath
So glad they found it all! lucky you:)
So glad you found your diamond! I went through that hell once myself. It was just a small diamond set in a heart necklace but it's loss was devastating. It was found eventually, but that time while it was gone was heart wrenching. It wasn't the item so much as that someone special gave it to us. So happy yours was returned too.
Whew! What a relief! I was using a handy dandy little toothbrush to clean my ring several years ago....water get the picture......bye-bye diamond....
Warm blessings,
i am so glad you found your ring. i am sure your heart was sinking. please go ahead and add some of my pictures, i am new to this and any publicity would be great. thanks for your kind words on my blog
I am so glad you found your diamond. I lost a ring my husband bought me in Vegas and it was missing for an entire year until I found it in a box of Christmas decorations....go figure!
what an amazing story!
I am so glad you found it!
xoxo, Tiffany
OMG that's amazing! i hope you've called and got insurance by now! wow, the fact that they still had the stuff in the vacuum bag is beyond lucky too!
So glad you got that diamond back. That is one awesome cleaning service! I sure hope you treat that receptionist right.
Olivia Paige
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