This week is starting out bad for us. Saturday we discovered we had a gas leak in our Guest House....Excel Energy came out, and said it was testing off the meter for gas, so they had to turn the power off. We didn't want our pipes to freeze, so we had to have a plumber come out and winterize the house, by blowing out all the water pipes. The Heating company is coming today to start digging up the backyard.....but we woke up with no heat in our main house....so we called the Heating company back again, and they are sending someone out at some point today to fix the furnace. (of coarse the people who are fixing the gas leak can't fix the furnace)!! I have a feeling the trip we were planning to New York for a little getaway to see the lights is going to be cancelled. UGH! On a happier note we have a winner for my giveaway, and it is lucky number 17! Tammy, you have won. Tammy at Tinsel & Company is such a sweet friend, and I couldn't be happier to wrap up these goodies and send them on their way to her. I hope everyone has a wonderful week. I will post some pictures of my craft fair I was in.
Good morning Valarie, so sorry to hear about your gas and power problem. Hope everything else is good in your life. Congrats to Tammy. Come say hi if your fingers aren't to frozen. Take care!
I just squealed with delight, thank you!!! Stay warm, I am so happy to be in Florida...haha. I would rather be in Colorado!
Best wishes,
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